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Pleasantly surprised when a lady called to the door recently offering a better service for much less from Thornton’s Recycling. An antidote for beleaguered people under severe fiscal pressure. I’m thankfully going to make a substantial saving.

The details are on Thorntons Recycling Website:-

You will save and you won’t regret it.

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Italian Election outcome reflects strong populous belief self-interested political governance is no longer acceptable.

Italian Election outcome reflects strong populous belief self-interested political governance is no longer acceptable.

It is past time we had radical political change in Ireland!

These politicians will be saying sorry, “we got some things wrong” just like last administration. Sorry is not good enough when one sees so many people driven to suicide.

Self interested politicians are all about themselves feathering their own nests for the future and to hell with everyone else.

We are soft to take it any longer.

Reasoning with self interested politicians, overpaid civil servants, judiciary and all crony elites in Ireland must be replaced by sufficient militant populous action to finally make a change for the common good.

Take action today and make a commitment that you will take no more austerity measures to the point of extreme militancy.

The police and military services in Ireland are firmly behind the people. Politicians have their heads so far up their a…s’s they cannot even see that!

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