US Presidential Election. The Irish Connection. The Undocumented Irish in the USA

The massive 55,000,000 plus (yes fifty five million) Irish/American diaspora in the USA can make the difference between Romney/Ryan winning the US Presidential Election in November, or loosing the race to the White House.

That is simple fact.

Candidates Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan & their Republican Election Team know this.

Now is the time for the undocumented Irish in the USA representative team to act as well. It is past time to secure for once and for all a clear precise roadmap that will remove the crazy bar preventing Irish people entering and leaving the USA in much the same way as Americans themselves do. Irish people have much closer ties with America than any other nation on earth. After all the Irish built most of the great cities in America.

We must put an end to the atrocity whereby honest hard-working undocumented Irish people living and working hard in the States for years, paying their taxes as honest citizens and giving to the life-blood of America, cannot return to Ireland, not alone when their father or mother dies but even years later just to visit the grave of their deceased close dear relatives. This in 21st century America?

It is time for this to change! Can Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney do it or are they interested? Do they have a comprehensive plan? If they show the slightest disdain or hesitancy, well you should make it quite clear as to where the collective Irish/American Vote will go.

A proper Social Media campaign run in tandem with the US Presidential campaign between now and November 2012 can make a very big difference, which both Democrat and Republican election teams will be interested in.

Important Candidate Contact Co-ordinates:

Rep. Paul Ryan US Vice Presidential Candidate.

Twitter: @PaulRyanVP

Link New Twitter Account for Vice Presidential Election Campaign: VP Election Campaign Twitter Account:

Link Old Twitter Account @RepPaulRyan :

Twitter: Rep. Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan on Facebook

Campaign website:

Twitter: @MittRomney

Twitter: Gov Mitt Romney

Campaign Twitter hash tag

Twitter hash tag. #RomneyRyan2012

Governor Mitt Romney Republican Presidential Candidate.

Facebook Mitt Romney


Mon 15 August 2012.
Arthur O Hara

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