Home » Banking » Who Will Pay For #CoronaVirus Pandemic #COVID19?

Who Will Pay For #CoronaVirus Pandemic #COVID19?

One thing I’m really frightened of is the likelihood our meagre incomes & little pensions will be hit once again at a very delicate time.

I don’t like the way the authorities are engaging in far too much talk in such dire times about the economic consequences of the #covid-19 pandemic. There is already enough fear out there!

There is however a very fair consideration as to who should pay!

In the emergency that has been declared worldwide it must be realistically considered that the well-heeled wealthy institutions & individuals out there who can readily lend trillions to governments, should foot the bill? Why not instead utilise the special emergency powers to #sequestrate the finances necessary from the overly rich financiers & not put the bill onto the ordinary people, especially those who have temporarily lost jobs, businesses and families who have tragically lost loved ones. Why allow them to continue to prosper?

Anymore recession resulting in the imposition of further austerity on the ordinary people will no doubt result in major civil unrest and popular #revolution.

I’ve always said, & written in some quarters from my own research & analysis that recessions are orchestrated to rotate about every eight to ten years or so in order to strip more wealth from the ordinary folk. History has clearly shown that during a recession the super rich increase their wealth by between 300/500% while the ordinary lower less privileged working class become poorer leading to enormous inordinate distress and unnecessary additional suffering.

When 26 billionaires own the same wealth as the poorest 3.8 billion people on our planet, a radically new economic system is urgently needed to tackle & eradicate rampant inequality.

Even the World Bank https://www.worldbank.org has as it’s motto & mission to end extreme poverty & promote shared prosperity.

These are unprecedented times calling for extraordinary measures.

The corona virus pandemic can well be construed as a #purge to help put mankind on a fairer more even keel.

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